Wednesday, June 26, 2013

YYC Flood 2013: How You Can Help

The floods that devastated Calgary, and the rest of Alberta, since Friday, June 21, 2013 have changed the lives of many.  The damage done by the floods has been heartbreaking, to say the least.  Many citizens, like myself, are still in a state of shock and denial...these types of natural disasters don't happen here.  Here are a few pictures of the damage done by the 2013 flood.

Princess Island Park

Mission in Calgary

Turner Valley

Help is on its way!

Deerfoot Trail

Earlton C-Train Station

Firemen helping those trapped.
The way citizens of Calgary, and Alberta in general, have come together during this trying time has been heartwarming.  I always knew that this was a special place to live, but I now have a new sense of appreciation and love for the place I call home.

I know that many of you, like myself, want to get involved in the cleanup and recovery effort.  Below is a list of links/resources you can access in order to find the areas of the city that are in need of volunteers.  In addition, if you are unable to volunteer your time, you can help by providing clean-up equipment, food, and other essential items.

You can visit the following sites for more information on how you can get involved:

1. You can donate grad dresses to girls who have lost their dresses in the flood.  Visit the Grad Dresses For YYC Flood Victims Facebook page.

2. Volunteer Calgary Facebook page, or website for volunteer opportunities.

3. Role Mothers

4. Neighbour Link Calgary

5. Write a letter of encouragement, create a greeting card or draw a picture for The Pony Express. Be Hip will collect these treasures and deliver them to the staff at Calgary care centres who ensure they are given out to brighten a senior's day. 

6. Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank

7. Calgary Clean Up

These are, by no means, the only ways of getting involved, but its a good start.  The Calgary Clean Up Facebook has been an excellent source for almost regular updates throughout the day in terms of specific areas of the city that are in need of volunteers and resources.

The recovery efforts will take a long time to restore our beautiful city to the way it once was, but I know that we can do it.

Calgary Strong!


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